My little miracle dude is sitting up! 🥰

Because of his start in this world, every single thing he does amazes me, but milestones like this bring me to my knees. He had no heartbeat for more than 15 minutes, we still don’t know exactly how long he was without one inside of me. He had no oxygen or blood flow to his brain and his little body was grey and cold. He laid on a cooling blanket in the NICU for days with constant blood transfusions and wasn’t able to eat, or wear clothes, or be cleaned... even to have my blood washed off of him from what happened to me during labor. We waited 7 days to be able to hold him and feed him. But the waiting that was the hardest, were the 5 days after birth while we waited for him to be able to have the brain scans done that would tell us how extensive his brain damage from birth was. We were told to expect it to be moderate, at best. It only took 30 minutes for the neurologist to come in with the results. With the evidence that miracles happen and God is very real. My little baby was completely perfect that day, and is still completely perfect today. I’m still in awe. And today, my little guy, who (as told by the doctors and nurses... not my opinion) shouldn’t be here today and definitely shouldn’t be completely healthy and fully-functional... today, he can sit up on his own. I am forever grateful to the nurses and doctors who saved our lives in September and preserved his brain. And I’m so grateful to God for orchestrating it all. Here’s my guy, Famous Amos!

And here’s his first picture, a few hours after he was born. With his little IVs and tiny breathing tube. At this point, I still hadn’t seen him. I was still in recovery until the following day. The nurses gave me this picture a couple days later. You can’t see it in this pic, but the back of his little head was matted with dried blood that they couldn’t clean off because he couldn’t move from that blanket even for a second for about 80 hours. He’s come so far!