My baby is 3 days old. While breast-feeding I noticed I rubbed against her or something and now her umbilical cord is lifting it’s not bleeding but it’s a little bloody and can lift a little what should I do I tried calling on call doctor no answer

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Posted at
Clean round it with warm water and pat dry. Do it a few times daily. Look out for any redness that goes from belly button towards nappy area which could mean possible infection


Posted at
It’s going to fall off anyway lovely I’d only call the doctors if it looks like it’s becoming infected if there lots of redness around it and puss


𝔅𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔞 𝔅𝔬𝔬🌺🌺💋🦋 • Feb 20, 2021
thank you 🥰


Clare • Feb 20, 2021
It’s fine :) xx


𝔅𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔞 𝔅𝔬𝔬🌺🌺💋🦋 • Feb 20, 2021
so you think it’s okay?


Posted at
My baby’s looked like that and I phoned,My midwife said blood is fine if it’s dry because it’s pretty much a wound that’s getting rubbed so it will bleed. She also said be worried/phone if it’s actively bleeding 😊 it fell off after 4 days x


Posted at
I wouldn't worry too much my son has abnormally strong muscle strength and actually ripped his own cord off and never had any problems


Posted at
Just leave it to dry out unless it looks infected. My daughters got caught on my shirt at one point and partly came off 🤢