Any RE’s here? Need advice


Just curious as to what tests you recommend before a FET. I know it’s all individualized but I’m literally looking for everything- even if it doesn’t “fit”...

I’ve had: ERA and Receptiva, killer cells, ACA/lupus, testosterone, and will have the clotting factor hopefully next week. I’ve also done tsh, abs our embabies are pgt tested.

I have had a miscarriage and ectopic prior to starting <a href="">ivf</a>, 13 cycles and 8 retrievals to get our 3 embabies... did a FET which was successful but lost our baby girl at 6 weeks (same time as our first miscarriage). Without reason.

I’m just looking for all the tests I can do prior to transferring again... I know 4% of pgt embryos miscarry, and every pregnancy has a different chance but I’m just hoping there’s an answer out there...