Full time vs part time 🥺

I work full time right now at a daycare/preschool.

I just started back and they bumped my pay to $13 and my daughter is allowed for free ( she’s 2 months old )

I’m a single mom so I take a lot of pride in how much I work. It makes me feel good to look at my daughter at the end of the day but also sad because she spends most of her week with her class and not me and I’m missing so much plus covid has me completely stressed out. If she gets it I put her in harms way I put her in that classroom..

I work full time 35 hours a week. I really want to go back to school. I’m living with my parents so I’m rent free all I pay is a few payments for my car, insurance, phone etc. I think it all comes to $550 a month. Easy..

My moms boss came to her and asked if I’d come work for them part time. My mom is the supervisor. I’d only make 12 an hour and work 3 days a week. My mom will have my daughter 2 days and my brother will keep her one.

It’s just a huge pay cut. But I’ll be able to stay home and get schooling done. Spend more time with her and she won’t be exposed to any nasty viruses right now at such a young age, and my mom really needs me

I guess it’s just hard because being a single mom and I feel most single moms will agree with this you want people to say wow she works hard. She works and comes home and gets right back up and does it again. I don’t want people to say she could do more.

And the daycare watches her for free granted my family does to.

It’s such a good opportunity to stay home and get things done but will I have extra money for mine and her clothes. I get child support which is amazing so it will definitely help. So I know I will but will I have extra to put in our savings? It’s these questions that worry me. The child support I’m getting has added alimony in it so that will decrease once our divorce is finalized.

I know I really need to do this it’s just so hard because what if it don’t work out? I have to provide.. and I had just gotten a raise but maybe I can ask them to maybe give me 12.50? And I can always work extra hours on the days I work. Instead of 7:30-4 maybe 7-4:30 or 5 as long as they allow me to. It’s not a job that people let stay longer than this it’s a basic 7-4 job and everyone leaves at the same time it’s for a golf club. But I’ll stay and help out anything they need for extra hours..