Could I be pregnant ?

Long story... I’ll try to make it short but I just want to know if anyone has had something similar to my situation.

So when I was 17 I was told I had pretty high prolactin levels which then turned out to be a prolactinoma. At a later age I went in to check my AMH (anti-mullerian hormone) levels and they were at about 1.3. Which seems really low.

This I felt put me at pretty much not being able to have kids unless I started taking medicine and actively ttc. My doctor wasn’t and still isn’t too worried about the prolactinoma since the levels have remained the same for a few years now. I’ve also had my endocrinologist look into my blood work but that’s a whole other story.

I had unprotected sex with my partner on feb 2 which happened to be my ovulation window but I’m not even sure if I’m able to conceive. It makes me really sad to think I won’t be able to have children but a couple days ago I started what I thought was my period. Some spotting and old blood. And now it’s the third day and it completely stopped.

I’ve been stressed lately and it may be that. I’m definitely going to buy a test soon but I just want to know if anyone has had anything similar happen to them and they still conceived?
