My husband has thing where he jokingly puts me down in front of others


AND ITS GETTING OLD. I think I have good judgement and I am trying not to sound like a party pooper or sensitive but I get bothered. It’s only with my family or in an argument in private. . It seems that he always likes to relate whatever the conversation is about to me . Conversation can be about music made in the 90a...I may not be even engaged in convo and he is so quick to say something like yeah she don’t know anything about this’re too young . Or what was said today, Oh she not use to making seafood ...she too young. It’s not even funny, & I do feel like it’s subliminal putting me down....ira like he does anything to try to make ppl laugh or something...

First it was funny second it was cute but it’s weird to me that because he’s older than me he likes to put me down by commenting on my age or stating things like oh I forget u like 24 Knowing that I’m older than that. It’s like a weird obsession and I feel like it’s old and corny and his favorite thing to say. Y’all he only 4 years older than me.