The ‘L’ bomb


Ok so I was talking to my bf on FaceTime, we’ve been together casually for a while but lately I’ve felt we’ve been getting closer. Just near the end of the call he said he’d bought something for me he thought I’d like so I said ‘Thank you’, but he responded with ‘Love you too’. He’d obviously misheard me. It took me by surprise so I said ‘What?! I only said thank you!’ and he just quickly changed the subject then said he had to go so we said bye and hung up. I was left thinking wtf just happened?!

Did he just tell me he loved me? Or did he just say it because he thought I said it and it was like an automatic response that he didn’t actually mean? I want to ask him about it but don’t want to freak him out more than he already may be. Truth is I think I do love him but wasn’t ready to say anything yet.
