To my best friend

Dear “soulmate”,

My heart breaks. You were everything I wanted and more. You were my bestfriend, you were my whole teenage years, you and I built a life together. You were with me my first job, my drivers test, my first everything. I thought you were perfect with normal human flaws. Sure you got angry at times but never raised your voice. You spoiled me. You helped me with everything I needed help with. You were my protector. I feel safe in your arms always. I knew that nothing would ever hurt me when I was with you... except you. I thought I was also your world. I thought you also loved me like I loved you. But I was not enough for you. I was not enough that you had to look elsewhere. I gave you 110% of me. And it wasn’t enough. I wasn’t beautiful for you, that you had to go look for other girls more beautiful than me. I’m not sure why my companionship did you wasn’t enough. I really thought we were best friends. We would stay awake for hours laughing. We could just laugh in a situation because we knew what words we were saying without saying any words. But that was not enough. I hope that you found the part of me that I was missing in all those countless women. I doubt you connected with them like we did, but it must’ve been something else you liked for you to throw it all away. 10 years of giving you the best of me and it wasn’t enough. 10 years of me looking at you and being completely in love with you... no matter the weight gain.. no matter the sicknesses... no matter the problems... and it wasn’t enough. I hope you find what you’re looking for. In all those countless women. You say they mean nothing to you but I know they mean more to you than I do. Because if I’m the one you cared about we wouldn’t be here.