Help šŸ˜­

so a few weeks ago my mom and i got in a big fight . things escalated after she told me not to go in my closet when i had already opened the door . so it was too late and i seen that she put dog food . paint buckets with fresh wet paint on the sides, garbage, and the most random stuff in my closet that is full of my clothes, i needed to get to the back of my closet because i needed underwear as she kicked me out a few days before and we got in a fight so i packed some stuff while she was gone . she came home that same day and unpacked all of my stuff . i told her please not to touch my stuff as i would be back for it, and she still ignored me and unpacked everything . well sure enough i told my mom iā€™ve had enough of this constant her touching and moving my stuff and ruining all of my work clothes or just taking them as she pleases . i started to pull everything out of my closet so i could access the back so i can grab clean undies and socks ... she made a comment saying all i do is ruin shit and make a mess after she cleaned all day , and all i do is fuck things up even more ..... i lost it . for 2 reasons . there is wet paint ALL OVER my brand new work clothes ..... which was my entire paycheck from work . 500$ gone because of her carelessness and yes my job requires me to be in current fashion at all times .... and 2 ...because iā€™m always picking up after her and her dog, paying for her medications because she doesnā€™t want to go to work .. iā€™m 23 years old . 6weeks pregnant . and she found out on valentineā€™s day when i told her i was pregnant ! well this entire closet situation happened the day after valentineā€™s day . so she was well aware i am pregnant . well my mom tried getting in my face and pushing me with her chest . i told her to back off before i lose my shit even more , and she told me ā€œ you need to calm down before i throw your pathetic useless ass off this fucking balconyā€ i told her i dare her to put her hands on me and i promise it would be the last breath she ever took outside of jail walls . we havenā€™t talked since . and nobody knows iā€™m pregnant in my family and now my mother decided to blab her mouth to my sister and my grandmother and now everyone knows iā€™m pregnant for the second time ..... i miscarried in april of 2020 and i didnā€™t tell a soul and guess what .... now everyone knows i miscarried last year as well. and the worst part is, my sister just called me attacking me over the phone, because my mom is unmediated and chooses not to treat her bipolar disorder, and she is telling my sister that iā€™m delusional and in denial and iā€™m going to be an unfit parent? now iā€™m really feeling stress from them and their drama , it is bad that i donā€™t want them around my baby when i give birth or myself while iā€™m pregnant or even after ? living with my mother has always been toxic . but i need some help or someone to talk to :/