Positive lh tests, no peaks


So, I started testing with lh strips in July of last year. I kinda fell off the wagon after a couple of months with the “if it happens, then it happens” mentality which lead me to stop testing, hoping it’ll just happen because I thought maybe I was stressing myself out by testing and then end up not being pregnant.

When I started off, I used to get peak tests and starting in August of last year....I’ve only been getting positive tests where the test line is as dark as the control line and no more peak tests. Does this mean that I’m possibly not ovulating?

I used to get horrible sore nipples every cycle before I even started thinking about ttc, assuming it was pms and I haven’t gotten it for a couple of cycles until last cycle....which lead me to believe that I ovulated. I still only got a positive and no peak last cycle though.

When the peaks stopped.

Last cycle