Spotting on birth control- do I need to switch pills?

So in the beginning of November (2020) I started taking birth control pills. I take them continuously and am supposed to take a week break once every 3 months.

In December even though I was taking them regularly, I spotted for 3 weeks straight. Since I hadn’t been on them for very long I wasn’t concerned. I took my first week long break in the last week of January. I bled for 2 days then ever since then, even when I began taking the pills again, I’ve been spotting every single day. It’s been 3.5 weeks since I began taking pills again after my break and I’m still spotting every single day. I take them at the same time every night. Should I keep waiting for it to go away or should I ask my doctor to switch me to a different brand? Or maybe I should try taking another week break?

I’m getting really frustrated having to use pantyliners nonstop. And I haven’t had sex in forever because of it 😣