Hope this is the month I get a BFP

Quanisha • Living life the way God wants me to and being happy

So I have been off my birth control for about 9 months now and I been having these up and down conversations with my fiancé about wanting to have another baby we have a son who just turned 4 on January 26, 2021 and he is our rainbow baby after have a miscarriage and a still birth the years before him and then after he was born I decided to get on birth control I had the mirena iud put in but ended up finding out I was miscarrying again still had the iud put in and I ended up getting it removed last you May and since then I told him I wanted to have another kid he was up and down on his reasons for my he wasn’t ready but come to find out he was just scared of going through all the pain we went through the first time when we keep losing our babies but now we have decided that we want to have another baby and this past month we have been officially trying I so hope we get a BFP my period is scheduled to show up next week Monday but I hope that it don’t show up plus side note ***if I am I want to tell my in-laws by getting a baby bottle with chocolate milk in it and my due date on it cuz she keep saying she ready for another chocolate baby what do you guys think