Pros and cons to getting off hormonal birth control?

I've been on birth control for close to 5 years now. I was on the pill from 16 to 20, then at 20 I switched to IUD and I've had that for a year now. I feel like I dont even know myself without extra hormones anymore. The IUD is definitely working better for me than the pill did but it's still really messing me up.

Ever since I started birth control I become super depressed and it has not gone away. I gained weight and have a very difficult time losing it or gaining muscle. My hair is more dull and dead than it use to be. I'm always uncomfortable, exhausted no matter how much rest I get, I always feel drained. I'm always stressed and tired. I am extremely insecure now which I never use to be. I started to get acne which I never had before. I constantly feel unmotivated, lazy and gross. I NEVER felt like that before. I'm much more moody now too.

I've been debating getting off of it and my bf doesnt care if I do. I dont like using condoms but if that's the only downside its worth it. I wanna know anything else I should consider before getting my IUD out.