30 weeks and baby dropped? Tmi*

Baby has been in position and engaged but didn't drop fully till last night or what looks like it.. now I don't look pregnant anymore 😕

I am high risk for preterm labor I also got the ffn test which came out positive

I was in hospital at 29 weeks for preterm labor that they stoppped with magnesium sulphate I do have a short cervix I was told

I have been having lots of diarrhea along with back pain that comes and go's and I feel sharp pains here and there in my abdomin mainly my right side I can breathe finally and I can lay comfortably in bed (yay but nooo😅) I'm peeing like ALOT also I feel him so low in my vag even in my pubic bone or like he is pushing on my hip bones like right now I can feel him having hiccups in my abdomin they are so uncomfortable and feel very very weird lol

With my son he didn't drop till the day my bloody show came out at 36 weeks and 4 days and then the day after I went into labor had him that day

Someone please help I don't wanna call my doc since my appointment is in 2-3 days