Saying goodbye

Just wanted to give you all an update and then I'm headed to bed.  Almost too sad for words... I had terrible pain on Thanksgiving that lasted for about an hour and gradually got better.  Then yesterday evening they came back, only 100 times stronger.  I went to the ER and found out the pregnancy was ectopic.  I had surgery early this morning and it had ruptured so they took out my left tube.  My doctor said that the tube had a ton of scar tissue on it due to an appendectomy when I was 10... She also said there was a lot of scar tissue on the right tube as well, but can't assess until I have an HSG.  She said that if I try to conceive naturally again, there's a strong chance that this will happen again on the right side.  The good thing seems to be that I can still do <a href="">IVF</a>, which is a blessing.  She didn't have to take my ovary, which was also a blessing.  Trying to look for the silver lining in all of this.  Anyway, just wanted to let you all know what was going on.  I'll be out for the next three to four months recovering until we can try again.  I wish you all nothing but love and happiness from this point on.  Thank you for the support you've given!  ❤️💔