Potty training nap time

Dawn • Baby girl to arrive April 21

Nap time is starting to become the time of day my patients gets tested. I put him on the toilet before I go to lay him down and then for over 1h he is up and down refusing to sleep. Then after about 1.5h of this he finally sit on the toilet and poops. This has been the new routine for TWO WEEKS!!! It’s driving me nuts. He refuses to do his poop any earlier than that. Also actual time of day doesn’t matter I tried 9 am naps and 12pm naps both took 1.5hrs of him not sleeping and multiple trips to the bathroom before he finally poops and falls right asleep. Anyone else have an similar issue and have ideas on how to get him to stop this frustrating new routine?

Also no he is not constepated and has no issue going poop once he decides to try. It’s as if he doesn’t realize that’s the reason he can’t sleep.