Surgery near hubby's bday

Basically I'm getting surgery tomorrow and am gonna be on bed rest for a week or so. His bday is on the 6th and I'm definitely not gonna be able to go out to dinner. Is there anything I can do to make his bday special? I'm getting a labiaplasty and I'm not gonna be able to walk at all or even sit on my butt for about 8 days or so, unfortunately I can't have sex for 6 weeks. Hes not much of a video game guy. Do you ladies have any ideas? I'm gonna try to give him a bj if I can position my body okay, but that's not special cause he gets it almost every day. Halp, I'm feeling like ass cause he always makes my bday special and we've known for a few months now my surgery is going to impact his bday which he claims he doesn't care and he's not lying. But I really wanted to do something special for him and im blanking on ideas.