Confidence in the bedroom


Ok ladies... I need some tips! We've been married for almost 5 years. I am too embarrassed to initiate sexy things with my husband. Like, I have these fantasies but am too embarrassed to act them out. I'm afraid he'll think I'm weird. My fantasies are things I know he'd love. I know my husband loves me and thinks I'm beautiful. I just can't bring myself to get out of my comfort zone 🙈 It's just that we haven't been having very much sex lately. And the less we have sex, the less confidence I have initiating things. He doesn't understand why I feel embarrassed. Has anyone else felt like this? What did you do to overcome it? And do you have tips for increasing confidence in the bedroom? I know if I just learned to lean into my feelings we'd probably have more sex and a more passionate love life in general.