Any experience with fluctuating HCG levels?


I'm Sara and am currently 6 weeks 5 days pregnant with my second child. I've had quite a journey so far and want you know if anyone else had been through something similar.

Hcg was taken last Wednesday and came back at 2,800. Had it taken again Monday and it went down to 1,600. They told me I was having a miscarriage.

Went to get an ultrasound yesterday to confirm the loss. Baby has a strong heartbeat at 102 and is measuring 6 weeks 2 days! I was shocked!

I was admitted to the ER because they thought they saw an ectopic pregnancy in addition to my fighter. It was just my fibroid.

So they decided to check my levels again and in just over 24 hours, they went up to 1,680. So not a huge increase but an increase!!

I have another blood test scheduled for Friday and I am praying my numbers continue to increase.

Has anyone else had a similar experience? What was the outcome?