Happy thoughts ❤️ UPDATE

K- 👶👶💗💙

Hi mamas,

I just need some positive vibes/prayers. I have anatomy scan part 2 tomorrow, because they couldn't see Noah's heart last time, they even did a transvaginal U/S because he is really low. No luck, but hey the tech said my cervix looked beautiful so that's good 😅. He's in baby pretzel position lol 😆🥨 Anyway, with my daughter, she has a congenital heart defect (she's okay though and perfectly healthy and does not require open heart surgery) but at her anatomy scan, she was misdiagnosed with another form of CHD and the doctor was awful to us, and really I'm quite traumatized from it. So anyway, I'm nervous about tomorrow 🥺


Everything went beautifully!!! Noah's heart looks great! 💙❤️👶 I also got to have an ultrasound done with the new equipment and the lovely tech gave me a 3D photo 😍 Thank you for your kind words and/or upvotes ❤️