I need to vent


F**k PCOS F**k infertility. I'm so over having pcos and everything that comes with it. I'm over being in my 30s and not having a kid. I'm over all the doctor advice. I'm over all the advice from women with kids that try to make it seem like we're trying too hard. I'm over it. I keep praying about it, but who knows. All I see is time passing by and I'm the only one who feels my pain. I'm just over it. I'm over pregnancy announcements. I'm over the women that try 2 months to get pregnant and complain that it's a life time. I'm just done. I don't know how to feel anymore. I never in my life thought I would want something this bad. I'm over it. I'm over everyone looking at me like "when are you doing to give your husband some babies". Damn you think I'm not trying. I'm just over it. I'm tired of people saying don't give up. I'm over it.