I feel like I’ll have a failed delivery....

I went in this weekend with some cramping that just wouldn’t end, found out it was Braxton Hicks. Anyways while being in my L&D unit I had to fill out many forms and answer many questions. The topic of pain management came up...I was under the impression by my doctors nurse they still had gas and air...they no longer do. After 5cm they cannot give any pain management other than an epidural, this changed my birth plan completely...I was also talked into signing a piece of paper for an episiotomy...I have a hard time saying no and the nurse was trying to convince me that it’s so much better than natural tearing...though a lot of research shows a natural tear will heal better in the long term.

I’m terrified to give birth...I have extremely shitty anxiety...Now knowing that my pain management option that I wanted to test is gone changes everything