Leaking amniotic fluid?

Hey guys! I’ve been leaking fluid the last few days; today will be the fourth day if it continues. I’m currently 39 weeks and throughout my whole pregnancy I usually have a bit of a gush in the mornings... enough to soak my panties and I went in the first time it happened (months ago) only to be told it’s just the ‘normal vag’ stuff.

Well the last few times it has been about the same amount that I usually experience but it’s happening more frequently than just in the mornings. I’d say I have a decent gush of fluid 3-4 times a day. The liquid doesn’t have an odor, it’s very watery, and it’s clear. When I had my doctors appointment on Monday (today is Wednesday) I still had plenty of fluid around baby. My doctor did tell me that if I keep trickling fluid to go in to get the fluid checked. She didn’t see any indication that my water had broken other than me telling her I was consistently soaking my panties.

I wanted to know what your experiences were if you had leaked amniotic fluid? I want to make sure baby is okay but hospital visits are very expensive and I just want to make sure that I absolutely should go in before I go.

Do you guys think I should just get checked? I know vaginal discharge increases toward the end of pregnancy and with my history of increased discharge maybe this is all normal 🤷‍♀️ I appreciate all the advice you can give me ❤️