Induction or going into labor on your own?


Who got induced/planned c section and who has gone into labor on their own?

I was scheduled to be induced on feb 23rd but got sent home because I wouldn’t progress and baby was too high up to break my water (chances of cord prolapse/compression were too high for my liking so I opted to go home and try again next week)

I’m so sad, I thought I’d be coming home with my baby in my hands.

Anyway, I just want to see how many went into labor on their own or had to be induced!

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I would say those are pretty great doctors :) my sisters first baby was no where near ready they Induced her anyways, she has zero contractions baby was still floating and then ended up having a c section from zero progress! Glad to see they are waiting until baby is a little more ready so you hopefully don’t end up with an avoidable c section unlike my sister


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My water broke on it's own but I had to be induced anyways because contractions didn't start 🥴


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It is really disheartening getting sent home when your expecting a baby I got sent home about 5 times with my second daughter just because the hospital was busy I was 41+5 by the time I had her 😩. If your bodies not ready though your best not to get the induction and just wait until it’s more favourable or you go into labour naturally. I’m 40 weeks tomorrow and my babies high as well only 1 cm dilated with a high posterior cervix :( they said they’ll do a stretch and sweep Sunday and try induce in March 3


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This happened to me too with my son, tried for an induction with no progress and no regular contractions but he was still much too high to break my waters. I went home pretty sad, I did a lot of walking and hip rotations are the ball to get him to come down and engage and when we tried again a few days later it was a success! I had strong regular contractions and they were able to break my waters because he was lower