Muscle twitching

Rachel • “If you can dream it, you can do it”

A few weeks To a month ago I woke up from laying on my left side and had muscle twitching in my left arm by my elbow that would come and go and be a but uncomfortable at times that lasted for a few days to a week. It’s not painful anymore but I do notice I get small twitches in that arm and in my left leg and other random paces in my body. Of course my anxious brown looked it up and saw something about ALS and it freaked me out. My left arm does feel sort of strained in the muscle or stuff but idk if that’s because I’m laying on it wrong when I sleep. I went to a doc a few weeks ago and they said take Advil but it never helped. I’m debating getting blood work done to make sure everything is okay.

Does anyone else deal with muscle twitches randomly in body frequently?