Induction scheduled!


Hey! So we are scheduled for our induction date assuming baby doesn’t decide to come sooner. It will be my first time inducing and I’ve heard mixed experiences. I know we could be in for a long process. I was wondering what you guys are bringing for snacks and food for partners. According to my doctor my husband can not leave the room the entire stay. When I asked about ordering food she didn’t really respond so I’m assuming that’s a no lol. She said they provide like boxed meals for them but he’s picky and gets cranky when he’s hungry 🙄she said we are allowed to bring a cooler. If anyone is in a similar situation what kinds of things are you bringing? No microwave access either. Also any other advice is appreciated. We’re doing the induction because I’m at high risk for bleeding and taking blood thinners on top of that so it’s more of a controlling the situation type thing. I’m sure this question has been asked before so thanks in advance for any repeat comments. I can’t believe we’re all so close! The time seemed to go by so slow and then now it’s here all of the sudden. Praying for all of us over the next couple weeks!