Nausea at 9 weeks

RS • Baby girl born August 2019👶🏻 💕 Baby #2 Oct 2021 ✨

With my last pregnancy I had really bad nausea and vomiting exactly at 7 1/2 weeks and lasted until about 15 weeks with this pregnancy I thought I got passed that phase because I almost made it to 9 weeks without the nausea and vomiting but I was wrong just started really bad nausea that made me vomit a couple times today and I am so miserable I hate the anxiety of having to throw up and trying my best to kick the nausea. These symptoms give me so much anxiety and I can’t just lay around and deal with it I have a very active 18 month old I have to take care of 😭😭😭 I hope this part passes soon and I can actually enjoy my pregnancy