TMI warning. Hubby's sexual frustration is to much....


I'm 3 weeks c-section post partum and going through biopsies and testing for vulvar cancer. My hubby was set on the 6 week mark before we could have sex again and was coping fairly well with that issue. At my last obgyn check up the Dr. Said he needs to remove the rest of the area to attempt to prevent it from penetrating the layer of skin that allows it to become cancer positive. Which means it's going to be closer to 3 months before I'm allowed to have sex again. Since that Dr. Appointment hubby has become extremely short tampered and is exhibiting more and more signs of extreme sexual frustration. He has taken care of himself a few times but honestly that seems to be making it worse. I'm stressed out between breastfeeding struggles, lack of sleep any where but the couch, the new issues of the cancer issues, and my own sexual frustration, and several other things which makes me definitely not in the mood to help him feel better and leave me hanging but at the same time his attitude and shortness is not helping me feel positively motivated or supported on this journey of caring for our infant and breastfeeding. My milk supply is dropping and our little is getting more and more formula due to this on top of everything else. I need support with everything from somewhere. Has anyone else had these issues or similar?