Week 7

Angel • 🌈 Asauna Hlee October 03, 2021 💜 Antonio De’Shaun II September 15, 2023 🩵 June 10,2017 👼🏽 April 02, 2019 👼🏽 June 4, 2020 👼🏽

We have approached week 7 in our 4th pregnancy. Praying for a successful pregnancy this time.

It’s been a journey so far. I have no appetite and when I do and attempt to eat what I’m craving one bite and my appetite is gone. I’m extremely fatigued, emotional and nauseous.

I’m doing my very best to not complain about these feelings and to cherish it.

Every time I go to the bathroom and I immediately look at my underwear. When I wipe I immediately get terrified and look at the tissue when I’m done. I swear that fear of blood being on your underwear or tissue never goes away. Many say “well you should not be thinking that way. You should be happy that you are having a baby.” Well. Many don’t know that this is my fourth pregnancy with three miscarriages and it’s always going to be on the back of your mind. I know my readers will understand exactly what I mean.

Week 6 for me was pretty much the same as the beginning of week 7. We go to our OB appointment March 9 around 2:15pm so we are hoping to see baby Martin and hear the heartbeat. Until week 8 my friends!!