Can anyone help me?


I’ve had a crazy week with my husband breaking his collar bone & being concussed, so in amongst the chaos didn’t get to track my ovulation as I’d planned to. I took a test CD 9 (21st Feb), which the test line was quite dark, but not quite as dark as the control line. I then missed two days, and took a test Wednesday which came back quite faint & ever since then the test line has looked the exact I’m now wondering if I maybe would have got a peak Monday?? Do you think I could have ovulated Tuesday (CD11)? I’m so confused as I’m now CD16 & I’ve never ovulated later than CD14/15 as I usually have 25-27 day cycles. Gah I hate this, I’m 90% sure I missed my window 😩 as we only had sex on Saturday (CD8) 🥺