When to Share the News with Family

I'm really close with my mama, we talk very often, but I'm a pretty independent woman and sometimes am insensitive in sharing important moments with her. I just don't recognize what might be significant to her. Sometimes I forget that it may be much more meaningful if I included her. (For example, I bought my wedding dress online, rather than taking her into a store to have the experience of trying them on with her. She didn't say it bothered her, but I think it may have.) I'm her first child, and obviously first daughter, and our first child will make her a grandma. I planned on announcing the news to she and my dad at home in person at Christmas, when we'll see them next, but that puts me at 15 weeks. Is that waiting too long? We'll be telling my husband's family the same day. Does she need to know earlier? Like some daughter/mother bonding? Should I call and share the news with her sooner?