Sleep question (4 month old baby)


My baby is 4 months old. She has been a really good sleeper at night. I would say about 85% of the time she sleeps through the night (from about 8:30 when I lay her down to about 7 the next morning). Our bedtime routine is mostly just rocking and feeding her (breastfed baby—no formula and just started some oatmeal cereal a few days ago). I usually rock and feed her for about 45 minutes to an hour and then lay her down in the bassinet. Like I said, she usually won’t wake up and if she does it’s a pretty quick feed and then she’s back to sleep. I see all these articles about sleep training and having your baby put themselves to sleep. Am I digging myself into a hole? Is this going to come back and bite me in the butt later on? From other posts I know I’m super lucky to have a good sleeper so I’m not complaining but just wondering if it will be harder a few months from now?

ETA: she still sleeps in the bassinet and wears a swaddle. I tried having her sleep in the pack and play last weekend and it was a disaster. I tried practicing during nap times this past week and those were disasters too. She will wake up almost as soon as I put her down. She really likes feeling snug to sleep but she is going to outgrow the bassinet soon. Any advice on transitioning? I tried recreating a more bassinet like environment in her crib but it’s not safe for night time sleeping in my opinion and it didn’t help all that much anyway.