Mothers of more than one


So we are not trying but soon we will start and i am thinking and planning how best to go about it.

How do you bond with all children equally?

When you have one, you have only one to drown in love time and all your concentration is on this one child. But i imagine when you get a second or third, you have to balance your time and cuddles between all the kids.

Do you give them equal time if one is a toddler and the other a new born? Or do you give new born more time? Is the first loved the most because you got enough alone time before the rest came along or do you struggle to find time tfor the older toddler while your hands are full with a new born?

How is it for mothers with twins? Splitting quality time between two new-borns or toddlers of the same age must be tough if at all you get free time after all the double feeds, diaper changes and all the work that comes with them.

How do you do it? Sorry if my questions sound too much but i have only one child and he gets all my attention, i dont know how i would do with two or three. I aint sure if i should send him off to kindergarten so that i have more time for the new born or keep them both around.