In Laws Making Life Decisions

Sarah ⛵️

Sorry this is so long in advance...

I’m so upset... my husband and I work for his parents. My husband is a technician who works out on locations and I am office staff. I do the books, dispatching, sales taxes, etc. and I work from home. I had my LO on Feb 7th and I get 1 month off fully paid and I asked for a second mont at 60% pay - which was approved. I asked for that time yesterday (since I have 1 week left) and when I spoke to my MIL she also informed me that SHE thinks I can’t work full time so she has hired two other people to take on tasks that I do so her work load is easier while I’m gone AND for when I get back. She’s going to make the three of us part time so my hours are going to drop to 20-25hrs a week... I make a decent amount an hour and I know she won’t be paying these other two ladies what I make an hour but she will be using the other half of my pay to pay most of theirs... no warning, no conversation just you can work full time with a kid so I’m taking half your pay... 🤬 and she has hired a friend of hers and my BILs GF...

I’m so heart broken. We have paid off our debt, I felt comfortable with where our life was going, we were going to start looking at houses (which she knew), we had a baby which just adds to monthly expenses, I also put the baby under my insurance instead of my husbands not knowing she made this decision for me and my family. A financially affecting decision. I will loose about $1,300 a month for this...

I’m not insane to feel like that was unprofessional and disrespectful am I?

I talked to my husband when he got home and he seemed pretty calm about it. He said we’d make it work and it isn’t the worst idea till our child(children after we have more) are older. He said we’d talk more about it later and we’d have my mom watch him while we do. I’m a little upset that he doesn’t seem upset about this...

😭😭😭 cried pretty much all day yesterday over this and it feels like it doesn’t matter. Went to sleep thinking maybe I’m over reacting and woke up and I can’t stop thinking about it.. I haven’t even finished venting about it but I don’t want this to get much longer..

UPDATE: So 2 weeks later they have found me another job... looks like I won’t be working for my in-laws anymore.