Am I irrational?

My baby is now 7 weeks old, parenthood have not been particularly easy let’s just say that and I have ended up with a postpartum depression which I have searched help for(will have my first session with a therapist in a couple of days).

Anyway this have led me to almost stop eating and drinking, I’m not getting much sleep even when I have the opportunity.. all of this stress have led my milk production to almost stop completely and the baby is very angry that he don’t get any milk when he’s breastfeeding(ofc I feed him formula as well but... it’s sad anyway and makes me feel shitty that I’ve neglected myself so bad I can’t give him the best).

My partner knows this so well and I’ve been talking a lot lately that I need to eat more, and he agrees. Now when he gets home from work he takes care of the baby until the evening. The plan is that I should sleep and take care of my self.

But now when he got home the first thing he started to talk about was that we should start fasting... when I said.. no I want to eat, even more than now and more regularly so I can get better and also produce milk for our son. He said “ok”... and we agreed that he can do intermittent fasting if he wants but it’s not right for me right now.

And then he told me “go sleep” and I said no... that I needed to cook us dinner first. He told me he could do it! I was impressed and let him.. I waited for like 50 min.. struggling to keep my eyes open,.. and when the dinner was ready he put in all in a gigantic fucking bowl and put one fork in and started to eat. I was like seriously...

He just told me that he have anxiety because he have gained so much weight due to overeating and I told him I need to eat more and he seriously don’t understand that I NEED TO EAT. 😡

I went to bed crying.. because I’m sensitive now and I started to feel like I’m my only friend and that no one really cares about me. He came in and said sorry that he didn’t know I was hungry etc... I told him to leave that I needed time alone.

He left me a plate but I don’t want it now.. since it seems like he don’t think I need it.

I just want to leave him tbh and I feel really stuck.

😭 am I being a total brat or is he a douche or just plain stupid?