My boyfriend still keeps in contact with his exes. Is this fishy?

E 🎸🌿💚


My boyfriend and I have been together for 3+ months. We recently moved in together.

Being in contact with exes *circumstantially* is one thing, but something about this doesn't sit right and I'm looking for a second opinion.

He talks about his past relationships a lot. In the effort of simplifying I'm going to call them GF1 and GF2. Both were long-term relationships where he lived with them.

GF1 texted him some time ago. When the notif popped up he grew visibly uncomfortable. He told me he owed her for a vet bill. This is true, as far as I know - I never saw the convo but I saw him talk to his mom about it. His mom, who reminded him it was GF1's bday!!

He doesn't delete texts (from anyone, even GF2) but has deleted the convo with GF1.

I also discovered that he has a matching tattoo with GF1. He never told me this. (and doesn't know I know) Part of me is very hurt that he didn't tell me, and has no plans to cover it up ... part of me kinda gets why you wouldn't tell your new girlfriend you have a tattoo matching with your ex.

GF2 was his more recent relationship. A few weeks ago we drove 4 states away to get his dog from her. GF2 and my bf texted about this, and now they're texting because her relative died. My bf claims he doesn't care about her and wants to cut off contact to her and the 2 kids they raised(not his), yet checks in to ask how the family and kids are doing.

I could be insecure and overthinking this, but his behavior does not match his words. I was cheated on in my last relationship. In the beginning of this one I told my bf contact with exes/cheating is a deal breaker. We've had multiple conversations that I'm not okay with this, yet it continues.

Does this sound fishy to anyone else?

How would you approach this subject?

I do plan to discuss it with him but in the meantime looking for advice or support. Thank you for reading :)

TLDR: My boyfriend deletes convos with one ex, and reaches out to the other frequently (every other week or so). He also lied about a matching tattoo.