Just venting..

My fiancé and i have lived together for 5 years and have been together for 6 years. My grandmother passed away and her funeral is tomorrow, and he’s 2 hours away on a work assignment and apparently “can’t” make it tomorrow. I asked him if it was a family member of yours that passed, you’re telling me you wouldn’t be able to make it? He said no, he’d make sure to be there. This hurt me terribly..I feel like he should want to be there to support and comfort me..I am torn up over this..I was close to my Grandmother..it was somewhat expected to happen soon, but it doesn’t make it any less painful or devastating.

Kmarie- I agree. His grandfather passed away in October and I was there for him 100% physically and emotionally. This has me questioning a lot of things.

I do expect my partner to accompany me to a very close family members funeral. This is my Grandmotherf not a second cousin I’ve only seen twice in my lifetime. It’s about supporting and comforting someone who you supposedly love and care for in a time of grief. We’ve known about the service for almost a week, this wasn’t brought up the day before, lol. 🤷🏻‍♀️

I wanted to add..He “can’t” be there. He basically makes his own schedule and CAN be there. He’s choosing not to be. This is why I am so upset.