Should I transfer two embryos if they aren’t the best quality? 2BC and 1BB

I am 34 and have a 16 month old son from a fresh transfer. He was born at 23 weeks after I had a placental abruption with absolutely no risk factors or cause that could be identified. My husband and I just transferred a 4AB embryo that resulted in a chemical pregnancy. Because we’re doing <a href="">IVF</a> for male infertility and because I got pregnant on our first transfer with my son, our doctor thinks it was an embryo issue. We have two embryos left, a 2BC and a 1BB. Because they aren’t the best quality, our doctor said we could transfer both embryos if we wanted. Because Im considered high risk, I’m hesitant to do this as there is a small chance it could result in twins. But part of me thinks it would increase our chances at a successful single pregnancy as I highly doubt both of them would stick given their poor grading but what do you all think? This js our last shot before having to do another round of <a href="">IVF</a> for more embryos (which our insurance doesnt cover) so we’re just trying to take the best route. Thanks!!

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