My employee taking me up to H.R

I’ve been the boss at work for 10 years. First assistant manager and now 2nd manager (there is a 1st manager but he is equal to me he is my husband). Anyways when I was pregnant my 1st manager gave me a lot of leeway because I was pregnant. There were days where I would be “late” because I was taking phone calls at home or just not feeling well. During these times one of my employees would constantly call me, ask me where I was, if I was coming in, what should they do etc. This upset me because my employees have also been there for 10 years and they should already know what needs to be done. They don’t need me there to tell them this. I never responded to her to texts, I needed my time before going into work. For a while they seem to have adapted without my help but one day I walked into work (only 20 mins late not THAT late) and the set up was all wrong. I don’t know how they managed to set up shop in 20 mins let alone WRONG. This did upset me and I will admit my pregnancy hormones played a part but I had a meeting with them about how they were doing things incorrectly and I. Couldn’t even have a stress free pregnancy. This employee got up from her chair and began to tell me all the things I’ve done wrong since I got pregnant. I kept my mouth shut and let her finish and blow off her steam. After she was done I addressed his the shop should be set up and went to sit in my office and left it at that. Today she tells me she’s taking me up to H.R for my behavior as a boss. Should I call H.R and fell them my side of the story before she gets her word in? I’m not sure they can do much because I’m pregnant and protected but I don’t think employees should be threatening there bosses this way.