Going crazy, please advise!



Some background: I have irregular cycles but generally have anywhere from 28-33 day cycles. Been trying for 2 years but it’s hard to track my ovulation. This year we decided to have sex when we felt like it and not worry too much about anything else and see what happens.

So I’ve been pretty regular for 3 or so months but this cycle is now at day 47 and I am 11 days late for my period. I spotted(brown) on cycle days 34-35 and had cramping on cycle day 39. I was concerned so I contacted doctor and she said to wait another week or two and then she will do bloods if I still have not gotten my period. I am nauseous, having heartburn for the first time in my life, headaches and am just generally not feeling myself. Negative tests so far. I’m just going crazy trying to understand what is going on and if I am pregnant or not or if this is just something weird my body is doing. Has anyone had this happen? If so what is your experience and should I still be hopeful?