Bloody show after sweep?


I went to the hospital yesterday because of contractions every 5 minutes apart but they sent me home after giving me Vistaril after checking me 3 different times. Today I had an OB appointment where I’m still 3cm and she did a membrane sweep. Since she’s done it I’ve been hurting so bad but haven’t been having very steady contractions. I have more contractions when I’m not sitting down and so much pressure where his head is. I’m not sure if I’m hurting so bad because of how many times I got checked yesterday and then from the sweep today?

I’m just not too sure if I should go to the hospital for this or just wait it out because it seems that there’s at least some blood every single time I wipe. These pics are about 2 hours apart. I’m 3cm and 90% effaced and 38w2d btw