Tips to help me induce labor


I am 38 weeks and 5 days and I am pregnant with my second child, a boy. I was induced with my first one at 40 weeks because I chose that option due to my mental health at the time and because I hadn’t made that much progress leading up to my due date. This time around I’ve progressed more than I thought I would but I’m at the point where I feel like my body is ready and I am also ready. I’ve had some complications and he is supposed to be big based on growth scans so either way I’m being induced on Monday which is only 3 days away. At my 38 week appointment, the 1st I was 4 cm dilated and 80% effaced and he has been head down for a while. But the pressure and weight of him is almost too much to cope with. My hips and pelvis are in so much pain. I’m trying to see if I can go into labor before my induction date but I feel like I’ve tried everything I can think of. I have walked a mile everyday since the 1st and I also had a membrane sweep. Ive cranked raspberry leaf tea, stayed active, spicy foods. Other than sex I have tried it all. I’m a small girl at only 5ft tall so the sooner I can get him to come the better I’m gonna feel about labor and the sooner I can get out of this discomfort. I have severe carpel tunnel due to the pregnancy, sleeping is honestly very painful and I don’t get much sleep because my hands are always falling asleep and I wake up every time to readjust cuz of the pain in my pelvis. I’ve lost a lot of not all of my mucus plug this week and Ive been getting contractions on and off but they don’t stay. Any tips or anything would be greatly appreciated.