Gen Z & Eminem


Soo I’m actually surprised someone else hasn’t made a post about this but it caught my eye this morning and curious to get everyone’s thoughts.

So apparently some TikTok users want Eminem cancelled particularly over his song/collab with Rihanna “love the way you lie”

So I am one who’s pretty much always 100% in support of rebranding/doing away with things that truly do insult or demean any group of people but I don’t think this one is one I can get behind and maybe it’s because I grew up in his prime time and he was a part of my life or that I feel music is a certain form of expression by the artist and many artists take on alter egos in their work that don’t necessarily reflect their views or actions.

But also- the reasoning behind this particular song being the reason he’s cancelled it’s almost like those trying to cancel him over it don’t even have a full understanding of what It did. Rihanna was herself a victim of domestic violence not long before she did this song - she even said she felt this song brought to light the horrors of DV. A few people I know who were also victims spoke out when they saw this and said this song actually HELPED them get through their own DV experiences. I don’t feel it “glorifies” it in any way.

Also- have these kids not heard any of his other work? I mean come on we could pick apart almost all of his songs muuuuuch worse than this if they really want a reason to cancel him. Look at Kim, Superman, one shot two shot. He’s one of the most controversial artists of our time and his work was not geared towards children-pretty sure my parents made me listen to the censored version of all of his albums until I was like 16.

I feel like it’s already so hard to get those who don’t understand the whole rebranding/cancelling to listen and when people put out accusations like this when all of the info on the background & context of the song is readily available- it only makes those already opposed to become even more close minded and makes it harder to make really important changes.

Just wanted to get everyone’s thoughts/feelings/opinions??