March 5 Check In


Hi Ladies!

Happy Friday! Another month down. Can you believe COVID became a part of our vocabulary basically a year ago? At that point, I don’t think any of us were pregnant and now look where we are. We’ve come a long way through a helluva lot. This group is amazing and I’m so glad I found y’all

How is everyone doing? New moms? Third tris? Second tri ladies? (Enjoy that!!!!!). As for me, we’re at 35w2d and sleeping all night is challenging but good training right? I feel like there is no room and have a bit of pain around the outside of the bump, but I hear that’s normal. We see baby boy next week for 36w check up then weekly after that. It’s all really happening!

Sending all good vibes ladies 💛🧡 can’t wait to hear your news and keep sending those pics too