Trying for another baby?

So I’m wanting to have another baby already.... my baby is a month old now and I’ve already had sex (my SO and I couldn’t hold it off any longer). I went to my OB appointment yesterday and the nurse asked what BC I wanted. She looked at me crazy when I told her I didn’t want any. She questioned and strongly suggested we at least use condoms as a method... I don’t see what the big deal is. I don’t even understand why they really push the whole BC plan... they questioned me the day I gave birth for crying out loud. I was too doped up on pain meds, so she was like “you haven’t thought about it? Ok we’ll just discuss it at your check up.” So when I was talking to the nurse, I didn’t bother telling her I want another one, with the fear of being judged. But I had a hard time TTC with my first baby (I have PCOS), so I don’t see why it’s crucial to get on birth control. Please tell me I’m not the only one?!