Birth marks ?



Does your baby have a birth mark ? If so when did it appear ?

I noticed my baby has like 4 small dots that are white on the back of her leg ... Looks like a white birth mark ... is this normal?

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Usually they’re normal, it’s basically an area with no pigment in the skin. Sometimes they’ll go away or stay forever. I have a few but I’m pale skinned already so they’re only noticeable when I have a tan.


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My daughter developed a hemangioma on her left cheek starting at 1 month old. At first it looked like a little bruise and then turned red and quickly grew in size. I think it is now stable or even starting to shrink. Hard to tell because I see it every day. A lot of “How did she get the boo boo?” at first but we don’t really mind it. Technically I guess it isn’t a birthmark and it will probably disappear or close to it.


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My baby was born with a round blue spot on her back that looks like a fresh bruise 🙃 so new dr’s or new people who see her always probably assume we beat her isnt that fantastic. When she was born they told me its called a mongolian spot? And itll probably fade as she grows. So far no fading


Noona • Mar 10, 2021
My son has the same, it covers his lower back and bum. Luckily it is in his birth notes so I don't have to ever explain it 😅 but I have also noticed a small round bruise looking spot on his upper back so that one I'm sure I will get questioned about 🤦🏻‍♀️


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He’s got a brown little mark on his side and a big red patch on the back of his head that me and my dad had as well , he had them both at birth


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Both my kids have a ‘stork bite’ on the back of their necks.