What is going on with my relationship...

For some reason every few weeks we have a little fight that turns into a bigger fight. It wouldn’t make me so upset but the things he says to me are awful. For example today we fought because he said something rude about eating too much sugar (even though I haven’t had sugar in days because I’m pregnant with our second baby and food aversions.) when all I asked for was a Costco churro. I’ve literally had nothing but meat today. No sugar. Then he sat and complained that I hadn’t thrown away something, I told him I was sorry and that it was a rough day between being sick and caring for our 10 month old and I forgot. He continuously nags me about these things when I do most of the cleaning. He doesn’t go about saying things in a nice way. I explained to him that the way he said these things hurt my feelings and he immediately started yelling at me saying I’m a nightmare and that I’m fucking ridiculous and that he hates being around me.. I don’t get it- I don’t say these hateful things towards him.. I explained that my feelings were hurt and that’s all. I barely got two sentences in when he yelled at me walked out of the room and slammed the door and woke our baby. I obviously went and picked up/soothed the baby but why does it have to be such a huge blow up.