Dye run/invalid? German HPT

Ugh, I'm having such sh*t luck with dye on these tests.  They're a German brand called Presense, and the only brand I've used here so far.  They're not early results or anything, if that matters (cause I'm not quite sure when my period is due anyways). 
The picture on top is a test I took 28 Nov. and bottom is today, 1 December, 11dpo & 13dpo, both FMU.  In the top picture I could swear I see a teeny tiny line even though it's not solid all the way from top to bottom - but after taking the bottom one today, I'm thinking it's just some sort of dye issue.
That being said, even if there was a dye run, as long as I was pregnant and had enough HCG in me then wouldn't the second line still come up, even if obscured by dye?  But I'm pretty new to this, so maybe that's not how it works  :-)  It's getting frustrating and I just don't know what to think!  Thanks in advance for any help hugs!