Did anyone else test positive for Trisomy 21 on their Harmony test?!


A little over a month ago I received the news. My son likely has Trisomy 21 (Down's Syndrome). Admittedly, I was devastated at first. It took my all to keep from bawling right there in the doctor's office. But I held it together... Then cried my eyes out on the way home while telling my fiancé. We were both completely shocked. You always think to yourself... "That's not gonna happen to me." So, when it does, you're not prepared!

After I calmed down a bit and stopped asking myself, "why?" I took it upon myself to learn more. I've always known that there are misconceptions about DS and I had a 3day wait until the specialist could see me. I read about it all... The variations of the Syndrome, the degrees, the first hand experience by others, the success of people with DS... The list goes on and on. Within the first day, I came to the calming realization that it didn't matter to me. He's my son; and nothing can change that. Nothing will ever break the bond that we already have.

I read about the risks involved in the certain tests that could tell us for sure whether he had it or not and I told my fiancé that I didn't want to do it. I'd rather not jeopardize my son's life trying to find out something I can find out later; when he's born. He agreed with me, as did the doctor when he found out we did not plan to terminate. (That wasn't even a question to my mind) So, by the time I saw the specialist, I had already made up my mind, regardless of what they would tell me.

They did an ultrasound for an hour and a half... And there were slight indications of DS. Shorter legs, curved pinkies, flattened forehead and an extra flap between the valves of his heart. But he was still small when they did this and the doctor said that all of these things; he could grow out of. The only way to know for sure was to do the amniocentesis. We told him that wasn't an option.

In every other way he's perfectly normal. He's highly active (he's kicking and rolling around in there right now; as I type) he's also highly responsive to his environment, especially my voice. He loves when I sing to him. He's growing and developing everyday, at a normal rate. He makes the doctors laugh because he's already making funny little faces in response to things I say... I just know he'll effect everyone he meets when he gets here; whether he has it or not! He has greatness and splendor inside if him already!

A lot of women have told me that they tested positive and their kids don't have it. That may very well be the case... And it may not. In the end; he's our son. We love him dearly. And we'll never give up on him. We'll never limit him or question his capabilities.

Odin will be here in March 2016 and I can't wait to meet him. I can't wait to feel him in my arms. I can't wait to teach him and learn from him. To <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.nurture">nurture</a> him and feel his love in return. He's already so loved in this family. There would be no better place for someone with DS, if that be the case. I guess my point is... For us, it doesn't matter... For us, it's just an extra chromosome.