Asthma + pregnancy awareness

I am 26 years old pregnant with my second child, and let me tell you it's been the worst pregnancy ever!! I smoked for 4 years following the birth of my son, who is now 6 years old.(smoke free for 2 years) I grew up knowing I had allergies but never knew what my "triggers" were. For 4 years I got sick, my son got sick, and then we'd both get better and within a week or so repeat the whole process. 
Smoke is a trigger...I didn't know!
My sons dad had a cat living in his home for a while, and we found out that my son and I both have cat allergies..
Cats are a trigger...
I always figured smoking only harmed myself, I never smoked around my son, I always washed my hands after and before playing with him, how could it affect him right??? Wrong. In my 4th year of smoking I found out Id "given myself" asthma. I now suffer every day despite being smoke free. 
I eventually quit smoking after some extensive research and when I got tired of being sick all the time I quit. Go me right?? Wrong...
About a month after I quit smoking my sons dr informed me that after much examination and testing my son has then it hit me that Id given my baby asthma too, and I felt like the shittiest parent of the year...
Fast forward 2 years, I'm pregnant, and all this time of taking meds to control my asthma and my sons asthma has been paying off big time, for... my son...colds are something that can be cured over night, allergies are under control no triggers causing issues...great right??
Well on my end I can't take my normal meds as they aren't safe for pregnancy, but I can take benedryl, and antibiotics, in hopes of knocking out the colds, and I was doing fantastic until...
My sister started smoking again, and my son got sick after being at her house for a few hours. And then a cat was playing about my porch today and now I'm sick. And I can't help but want everyone to know that smoking is a killer!! I can't believe I ever did that!! Even when you haven't smoked in my presance but have smoke recently I get sick...cats on my porch left untouched by my hands...I get sick...
I pray this baby doesn't have asthma!!